(excerpt from Understanding the Concept
of Khalifah; Prof. Muhammad al Mahdi)
It is Little Caliph's kindies motto to
recite their oath as:
- Make myself good
- Help others become good
- Make the physical world good
Actually the motto above is derive from
the concluded underlying responsibilities of Khalifah of Allah define
by Islamic Scholars:
- To perfect ourselves, according to the will of Allah
- To perfect all human society, according to the will of Allah
- To perfect the physical world, of space and times according to the will of Allah
Only to accommodate the children the
above motto is simplified for better understanding. But we need to
understand the underlying knowledge to properly bring the correct
knowledge to them.
In order to fulfill our responsibility
as Khalifah of Allah, we shall first understand where we come from
and what qualities we are equip with to be a khalifah.
- Before Allah created Nabi Adam (peace be upon him), Allah had created all things in the world. From the smallest particles to the largest. All these material things are available for us to sustain, beautify, and refine our life. Together with special attributes, powers, faculties and opportunities which are fully equip to bring all life to a higher plane and human being for their destined greatness.
- We are born with 'Fitrah', which means a natural disposition toward goodness. Mankind is created with the inborn intuitive ability to discern between right and wrong, true and false, good and evil and thus to sense Allah's existence and oneness. Fitrah also means man's instinctive recognition of Allah as his Creator, and the need to surrender to Him, and is an integral part of our human nature.
- In order to be His khalifah, Allah has granted human beings some small degree of God consciousness. When Allah breathed into Adam of His Spirit, He imparted to him some small number of His infinite divine attributes in some small portion, but sufficient to successfully fulfill his role as khalifah of Allah. The devine attributes of life, consciousness, free will, knowledge, love, mercy, power etc.
- Man also is given with knowledge. Man is endowed with knowledge and ability to understand the meaning of things. This enables man to think in his mind, to conceptualize, to communicate with himself and others, and have inner dialogue and self-reflective consciousness. Its called 'inner speech'
- It is the inner speech that Allah has given us that allow us to exercise free-will. Free-will is the ability we has to choose whether or not to act in accordance with the Will of Allah.
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