Saturday, January 7, 2012

Class I: Khalifah Method

In our briefing slides to new parents, one of them says..
Applies the effective and advanced learning methodologies of Whole Brain Learning, Multiple Intelligence Teaching, Multi-sensory Learning Styles and Accelerated Teaching and learning.

Usage of the Khalifah Method in daily interaction and class approach. The children are taught that it is their RESPONSIBILITY as Khalifah of Allah:
 - To make themselves good!
 - To help others (society) become good!
 - To make the physical world good (clean and beautiful)!

'The best of both worlds' is what we promote for our kindies..  READING has been our forte with our students.  With our one to one reading approach, children as young as 4 is able to read, and it is almost a sin to us if any of our student leave our kindie without knowing how to read.

But my focus will be mostly on the second world,  'Usage of the Khalifah Method..' for children character building.  Today is our first training with new teachers.

Khalifah Method define the Khalifah roles as:

 - Make yourself good
 - Help others becomes good
 - Make physical world good

Depending where you are (age wise) the word 'good' can be define as far as wide you want it to be.  To me the definition helps simplify our understanding of the roles of khalifah.  Especially when you deals with little children.

Allahyarham Prof. Muhammad alMahdi had hypothesize that: (he was a scientist)
"if only two things, two bodies of knowledge, are given to any individual or social group of any size, there will result a natural and inevitable movement of that individual or social group toward all things good and right"

These two bodies of knowledge are:
a. a positive, accurate and motivational worldview(fikrah Islam)
b. a good and broad understanding of the LAWS OF LEARNING by which all human development takes place (tarbiah)

Khalifah Method further define 3 principles that the method shall hold on to:

1. Focus on our role as khalifah of Allah swt
2. Strengthen good character with rewards
3. Be firm, but always kind

Wow.. there a lot of explanation required for all the hypothesis, knowledge, and principles here..:).  We will take one at a time ok..